Resolution of Doubt - Is Prophet Muhammad Baakhabar

Resolution of Doubt - Is Prophet Muhammad Baakhabar

Question: Is Hazrat Muhammad (Salal.) not a Baakhabar?

Will one not be able to go to Heaven by the way of worship told by him like (roza) fasting, (namaz) prayer, and giving (zakat) donation, please explain?

Answer:- Its answer is that in Quran Surah Furqan 25 Verses no. 52-59, Allah, the knowledge-giver of Quran, is clarifying that He who created all the living beings of the entire universe is the (Kaadar) Almighty Allah. He created the universe in six days. Then He went and sat on the throne in the sky. Ask a Baakhbar (Tatvdarshi) saint for information about Him.

Hazrat Muhammad ji had the knowledge of Quran. When Hazrat Muhammad's God is not a Baakhbar, then how can the prophet sent by him be a Baakhabar? When the knowledge itself is incomplete, then how can one go to heaven? When one is not a Baakhabar, then one can also not go to heaven. Sant Garibdas ji has said that:

Nabi Muhammad nahin bahisat sidhaana | peechhe bhoola hai turkaana ||

Meaning that, Prophet Muhammad himself did not go to (Bahisht) heaven. All (Turk) Muslims by following him have forgotten the true path of worship. They too cannot go to heaven.

Hazrat Muhammad (Salal.) is a prophet sent by the God who is the speaker of Quran Sharif and not that sent by Allah Kabir. For this, you have to take a look at the biography of Hazrat Mohammad (Salal.) which will show that pious soul Hazrat Muhammad (Salal.) had to face sorrows throughout his life. He lost his father and mother in childhood only. He was raised by his paternal uncle. When he became young, he married Khadija, who had been widowed twice. She too could not stay with him for long. Three sons and four daughters were born. His three sons also died before his eyes.

In order to promulgate the knowledge of Quran Majeed given by the God, whom the Prophet used to worship day and night with a true heart, the Prophet suffered injuries due to stone-pelting by the infidels. The infidels inflicted several atrocities on him. He spread the knowledge of the Quran while bearing everything. Due to all that struggle and worship of that God, Hazrat Muhammad had to spend his entire life in sorrows and even in the final moments of his life, he suffered tremendously when he met his death. So you can yourself draw an inference. He was the prophet of Kaal Brahm. He was not sent by God Kabir (Allahu Akabar). Therefore, one cannot go to heaven by the way of worship {Roza (fasting), Namaz (prayer) and Zakat (donation), celebrating Eid-Bakrid, etc} told by him. One can go to heaven only by worshipping one God Kabir by taking refuge in Baakhabar Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj and performing the spiritual practice given by him while following all the rules throughout one’s life, and not by the way of worship imparted to Muhammad (Salal.) by Allah, the knowledge-giver of Quran.

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