Who is a Baakhabar

Who is a Baakhabar

Who is called a Baakhabar, that is, who is he? Please state it with evidence.

(Rampal Das) Answer them as follows: -

Answer: - The one who imparts the knowledge of all the books and the true worship of God is called a Baakhabar. He alone is called a Tatvdarshi Saint in Hindu society (religion), Waheguru in Sikh society, Messiah i.e. Knower of God in Christian society, and Baakhabar in Muslim society. It is the Baakhabar who comes to this world and gives us the complete information about God Kabir and the method of true worship. Who is God? What is He like? Where does He live? Only a Baakhabar gives all this information. At present, only Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is a Baakhabar in this world. Evidence from Holy Quran Majeed :-

Evidence no. 1 :- Surah Baqra -2 Verse no. 114

In this, God has been mentioned as the Baakhabar. When God is Baakhabar, then what title should be given to the one who is a Baakhabar? It is our duty to show the same respect to him too.

Evidence no. 2 :- Surah Luqman- 32 Verse no. 33  (31:34 ?)

In this verse also, God has been said to be All-Knowing i.e. Baakhabar.

Evidence no. 3 :- Surah Furqan- 25 Verses no. 52-59

It has been mentioned in these verses that Allah created the universe in six days and sat on the throne on the seventh day. It has been said to ask a Baakhabar for information about Him.

The Baakhabar, who has been mentioned in the above-mentioned verses, is Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj, who, at the present time, has told about the one Almighty God Kabir and the correct way of worshipping Him which is evident in all our books (Taurat, Zaboor, Injil, and Quran). None of the Hindu gurus or sages and prophets before him have told that Kabir is that God whom our Quran Sharif attests, the four Vedas attest. This proves that Tatvdarshi Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is the Baakhabar sent by that Allah Kabir.

The religious leaders (Maulanas) of the Muslim religion because of not having the knowledge of the Holy Quran Sharif considered Muhammad to be the Baakhabar; whereas the God (Kaal God), who gave the knowledge of Quran Sharif, is himself telling Mohammad Salal. that the God who created the sky and the earth and whatever is in between them in six days and became seated on the throne above on the seventh day, ask a Baakhabar for information about Him. Even the God, who is the speaker of Quran Sharif, does not know who that Baakhabar is. If Mohammad Salal. had been that Baakhabar, then God (Kaal God), who is the speaker of Quran Sharif, could have mentioned the name of Mohammad Salal. instead of Baakhabar. This clarifies that even God (Kaal God) who uttered Quran Sharif does not know who the Baakhabar is. A Baakhabar is the one who will tell the way of worship of the True God Kabir.

It is a request to the entire Muslim community that please take refuge in Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj, who is the true Baakhabar, messenger, the current prophet, incarnation sent by God, and obtain the path to go to heaven. Therefore, the giver of the knowledge of Quran Majeed is also not worthy of worship because he is not a Baakhabar. Saint Rampal Das is Baakhabar. Therefore, we revere him by prostrating ourselves before him which is the order of Almighty Allah Kabir.

Read complete knowledge about Baakhabar in this very book, in the chapter titled "Who gave the complete spiritual knowledge?"

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