Perfect Knowledge of Islam

Perfect Knowledge of Islam

Who has Given the Complete Spiritual Knowledge?

Kalam-e-Kabir (Sukshmved) has the complete spiritual knowledge, which is neither in the four Vedas (Rigved, Yajurved, Samved and Atharvaved), nor in Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, nor in Puranas, nor in Upanishads, nor in Shrimad Bhagwat (Sudha Sagar), nor in all four books (Zaboor, Taurat, Injil and Quran Majeed). The first three books i.e. Zaboor, Taurat, Injil have been bound together and named Bible. That knowledge is not even in the Bible. 

  1. Torah - Holy Book of Moses (Holy book of Jews) (Quran 5.44)
  2. Zabur - Holy Book of David (Book of Psalms revealed to David) (Quran 4.163)
  3. Injil - Holy Book of Jesus (Gospel revealed to Jesus) (Quran 3.3-4)
  4. Quran - Holy book of Muhammad (Revealed to Prophet Muhammad)

Zabur, Torah and Injil combined is called Bible.

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