A Brief Introduction to the Holy Muslim Religion

A Brief Introduction to the Holy Muslim Religion

Next day Venerable Supreme God Kabir reached the royal court. The King of Kashi, Birdev Singh Baghel, and the Emperor of Delhi, Sikandar Lodhi, prostrated themselves in reverence before KavirDev and made Him sit on a chair. Both the kings themselves sat down on the carpet laid on the floor. Emperor Sikandar prayed, “O Nurturer of all! My illness neither got cured by the Hindu saints nor by Muslim Pirs, Qajis and Mullahs. O Merciful to the poor! What was the reason that my fatal illness vanished merely by your blessings? I ate a full meal last night. I had been troubled by this pain for years. I have become healthy by your grace.”

Supreme God Kabir told him, “O King! only Supreme God Allahu Akbar (Allahu Kabiru) can destroy (forgive) all sins. Other gods can only give the fruits of the deeds done. Just as a living being gets sorrow from sin and happiness from virtue. You were suffering because of sinful deeds. This was written in your destiny. It could not have been cured by any other deity or lord because neither the Hindu saints and gurus nor the Muslim Pirs, Qajis and Mullah know the real knowledge and method of worship of the Supreme God (Allahu Kabiru), the destroyer of sins. Only this slave (God Kabir) knows the method of worship and complete knowledge of that Almighty God. Neither Shri Ram nor Shri Krishna i.e., Shri Vishnu ji know, nor Shri Brahma ji and Shri Shiv ji, nor Brahm (whom you call the formless Lord) knows. Neither Hazrat Muhammad knew, nor other Muslim Pirs, Qajis and Mullah know. Without the worship of that (Kaadir) Almighty Allah, none of the sufferings written in fate can end. This is the reason that no Hindu or Muslim Pir could cure you.”

Conversation with a Muslim Pir Named Shekhtaqi

Hearing the above words from the lotus mouth of Supreme God Kabir, Shekhtaqi said in a sarcastic manner, “Only you know all the knowledge. You are even calling our Hazrat Muhammad ignorant.” While defending Birdev Singh Baghel, King of Kashi said, Pir ji, what is the point of getting angry in this? Get the doubt resolved politely.” The King of Kashi knew that revered Lord Kabir, who is full of knowledge, wants to clear the confusion of Pir ji by conducting a debate. The King of Kashi said to Shekhtaqi, “You should ask the reason why Kabir ji stated that Hazrat Muhammad ji was devoid of complete knowledge.” Shekhtaqi said, “I am asking the question only. Kabir ji should give reasons, on what basis has he called our Prophet Hazrat Muhammad an ignorant?”

What is Mentioned About God in the Holy Quran Majeed?

Most Venerable Supreme God Kabir started speaking. Kabir Allah, who has been mentioned in the Holy Quran Sharif (Surat Furqan 25 Verses 52, 58, 59), is (Kaadir Khuda) the Almighty God, whom you call Allahu Akbar (Akbiru). The giver of knowledge of the Quran has sung praises of Allah named Kabir other than himself. (In verses no. 52 to 58 and 59) God, the giver of knowledge of Quran Sharif, has said to Hazrat Muhammad ji, “O Prophet Muhammad! Allah, whose name is Kabir, has created all the brahmands (universes). He is the destroyer (forgiver) of all sins and is worthy of being worshipped by all. He alone has created everything between the earth and the sky in six days and on the seventh day, He sat on the throne in the sky. Ask a Tatvdarshi Saint (Baakhabar) for the method of worship and complete knowledge about that Omnipotent, Creator of all universes, Destroyer of all sins, God Kabir (Allahu Akbar).” God Kabir said, “Shekhtaqi ji, when even your Allah does not know, then how can your Hazrat Muhammad have complete knowledge? Hence, other qajis, mullahs and pirs are also devoid of true worship and complete spiritual knowledge. Due to which, the suffering of a worshipper who prays on the basis of incomplete knowledge is not removed. Other religious practices like offering Namaz (prayer) five times a day, (roza) fasting and making a call to prayer (Bang / Ajaan) etc., do not lead to salvation and relief from suffering. One continues to be in birth and death, and one still has to suffer based on one’s deeds in the Pitar Lok (place where spirits of deceased ancestors live) built in heaven, in hell, as well as in the bodies of other living beings.”

Hearing the above statements, Shekhtaqi immediately opened the Quran Sharif and read Surat Furqan 25 Verses 52-59 according to which the aforesaid description was correct. Despite seeing the reality with his eyes, fearing disrepute, he said, “Such a thing is not written anywhere. This infidel is lying.” There was a lack of education at that time. Even Emperor Sikandar became suspicious that God Kabir might be powerful, but being uneducated, he would not know about the Quran.

Shekhtaqi uttered malicious words, “Are you that Baakhabar? Then tell us what Allahu Akbar is like? If you call God corporeal, then who is He? Where does he live?”

Supreme God Kabir said, "That Kabir Allah, whom you call Allahu Akbar, that is me. I live above in Satlok. I only have created all the brahmands. I had also met Hazrat Muhammad in the form of a Jinda Saint. I had shown that dear soul Satlok and then had left him back on earth. I had told Hazrat Muhammad, “Now you should narrate my glory to all the followers. Give the other book 'Kalame Kabir' given by me to your followers. But Muhammad did not preach Tatvgyan (true spiritual knowledge), neither did he believe my words.

The religious practice which Hazrat Muhammad ji used to do, the same religious practice is also being done by the rest of the Muslim society. At present, all Muslim devotees are also consuming meat. But Prophet Muhammad never ate meat and neither did his followers who were in lakhs nor did one lakh eighty thousand prophets eat meat. They only used to observe (roza) fast, (azaan) give a call to prayer and offer Namaz. They did not slaughter cows etc.

Nabi Muhammad namaskaar hai, Ram rasool kahaaya |
Ek laakh assi koon saugandh, jin nahin karad chalaaya ||
Aras kuras par Allah takht hai, Khaalik bin nahin khaali |
Ve paigambar paakh purush the, Sahib ke abdaali ||

Meaning: - Prophet Muhammad is respectable, that he has been called the incarnation of the Lord. I swear to the one lakh eighty thousand who were his followers, they also never slaughtered goats, chickens and cows etc., that is, they never committed violence and did not eat meat. Hazrat Mohammad, Hazrat Musa, Hazrat Isa etc. Prophets (messengers) were holy persons and they were recipients of the favour of Brahm (Jyoti Niranjan / Kaal), but the Supreme God (Allahu Akbar i.e., Allah Kabir) who is present in the highest point (Satlok) of the sky, no one can escape the eyes of that Master of the universe.

Maari gaoo shabd ke teeram, aise the Mohammad peeram |
Shabdae phir jivaee, hansa raakhya maans nahin bhaakhya, aise peer Muhammad bhaai ||

Meaning: Once, Prophet Muhammad killed a cow by his word (Vachan Siddhi = word power) and made it alive in front of everyone. He did not eat the cow’s meat. Now the Muslim society is not aware of the reality. To commemorate the day the cow was resurrected, you slaughter a cow. If you cannot revive it, you do not have the right to kill it too. You eat and feed the meat considering it blessed food. You yourself also incur sin and you are misleading the followers too. You are becoming a recipient of hell.

God Kabir said:-

Ham Muhammad ko Satlok le gayo | ichchha roop vahaan nahin rahyo ||
Ult Muhammad mahal pathaaya | guj beeraj ek kalma laaya ||
Roja, bang, namaaj daee re | bismil ki nahin baat kahee re ||

Meaning: - I (God Kabir) had taken Prophet Muhammad to Satlok, but he expressed the desire not to stay there. I sent Muhammad ji back in his body. Earlier, Angel Jibreel had taken Hazrat Muhammad to Kaal Brahm. He did instruct Prophet Muhammad to observe (Roza) fast, recite azaan (praising the Lord in a loud voice) and offer namaz (prayer) five times a day, but he did not instruct to (bismil) slaughter animals like cows etc.

Hearing the above conversation, Shekhtaqi Pir angrily said, “What do you know about the Quran Sharif and our Prophet; you are illiterate. You are spreading misconceptions by propagating false information about our religion. Let me tell you how the sacred speech of the Holy Quran Majeed (Sharif) was obtained. Shekhtaqi (who was the religious guru of the Emperor of Delhi, Sikandar Lodhi, and whose every order was obeyed by Muslims all over India) said, “Listen, O Kabir! The life story of our Prophet Muhammad.

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