Sikandar Lodhi's meeting with Allah Kabir

Sikandar Lodhi's meeting with Allah Kabir

(Kaadir) Almighty Allah Kabir

{Allah Kabir used to say that Hindus and Muslims, Jews and Christians, you all are children of one God. Kaal Shaitan has divided you by misleading you.}

Once the Muslim Emperor of Delhi, Sikandar Lodhi, developed burning pain in whole of his body. Burning pain is similar to when someone’s hand gets burnt in the fire; it is excruciatingly painful. In this illness, the body does not appear burnt from anywhere, but the pain is extreme. It is called burning pain. When the sins of a living being increase, the medicine also becomes ineffective. The same thing happened with Sikandar Lodhi, the Emperor of Delhi. He took all kinds of medicines. He sent for eminent doctors and kept a reward saying that he who cures me will get whatever he asks for. God knows what a person may vow for at the time of grief! All the measures failed. After that, he received spiritual treatment from his religious leaders, Qajis, Mullahs, saints etc, but everything failed. {When we are distraught, we are no more a Hindu or a Muslim. Then we go wherever we can get relief. Generally, the Hindus say that Muslims are bad and Muslims say that Hindus are bad, but when we become unwell, then we do not see anyone as Hindu or Muslim. When a crisis befalls us, then no one is bad. Those Muslims who are bad are bad and those Hindus who are bad are also bad, but there are good people in both too. There are good and bad people in every religion, but we are living beings. Our race is living being, our religion is mankind, and our aim is to attain God.} He also sent for Hindu doctors and spiritual saints. He himself also went and met them and took blessings from everyone and got incantations performed, but all efforts were in vain. Someone told him that there is a great man named Kabir in the city of Kashi. If he shows mercy to you, your suffering will surely be relieved.

When Emperor Sikandar heard that a great man lived in Kashi, he vaguely recalled that he may be the same person who had even resurrected the cow. With thousands of bodyguards, he left for Kashi from Delhi. Birsingh Baghela, the King of Kashi had already become a disciple of Lord Kabir after hearing the glory and knowledge of Lord Kabir and had full faith in his Gurudev. He was aware of Lord Kabir's power because God Kabir had performed many divine acts there.

When Sikandar Lodhi went to Banaras (Kashi), he said to Bir Singh, “I am distraught. Now all that remains is to die. Is there a saint named Kabir here in Kashi? You must be familiar with his stature.” As soon as the King of Kashi, Bir Singh, heard this from Emperor Sikandar’s mouth, his eyes filled with tears and he said, “Now you have come to the right place. Now your sorrow will end.” Emperor Sikandar asked, “What makes you say so?” Bir Singh said, “That Kabir is God Himself. He is the embodiment of God. If he showed mercy, your disease will be cured.” Emperor Sikandar said, “Call him quickly.” The King of Kashi, Birdev Singh Baghel, humbly prayed, “Your wish is my command; I will send for him. But I have heard that saints should not be sent for. Even if they come and did not show grace, there will be no benefit. The rest is your wish.” Sikandar said, “Alright, I will myself go to him. I have come this far, I will definitely go there too.”

Curing the Incurable Illness of Emperor Sikandar Lodhi

It was evening. Bir Singh knew that at this time Lord Kabir is always in the ashram of his supposed Gurudev Swami Ramanand ji. This is the time to meet God Kabir there. Birdev Singh Baghel, the King of Kashi and Sikandar Lodhi, the Emperor of Delhi, both stood in front of the ashram of Swami Ramanand ji. After reaching there, they learned that Lord Kabir had not come yet, he was about to come. Bir Singh did not go inside. He had asked the servant standing outside. Sikandar said, “Let us rest in the ashram until then." King Bir Singh said to the gatekeeper of Swami Ramanand ji, “Pray to Swami Ramanand ji that the Emperor of Delhi, Sikandar Lodhi, wishes to see you, and he would also like to wait for Lord Kabir in your ashram itself.” The servant went inside and told Ramanand ji that the Emperor of Delhi, Sikandar Lodhi had come. Ramanand ji used to despise Muslims. Ramanand ji said, “I do not even see the face of these (malechh) despicable people. Tell him to sit outside.” When Sikandar Lodhi heard this, he was livid (because there is a lot of arrogance in a king and he was the Emperor of Delhi) and said, “If this insignificant mahatma can disrespect the Emperor of Delhi, then what behavior he must be having towards an ordinary Muslim? Let me teach him a lesson.” Swami Ramanand ji was sitting on a separate seat. Sikandar Lodhi went and beheaded Ramanand ji with his sword. As he walked back, it occurred to him that the work he had come for would no longer be completed. He said, “O Bir Singh! See, what atrocity did I commit? I am having very bad days. I want to do good and bad happens. I killed Lord Kabir's Gurudev. Now he will never show mercy to me. I will have to bear this illness till my death. I am a very sinful person.” Saying this, he walked out of the ashram. What could Bir Singh say in front of his emperor?

As soon as they came out of the ashram, Lord Kabir was seen coming. Bir Singh said, “O Emperor! My Gurudev Lord Kabir has come.” When Lord Kabir was a short distance away, Bir Singh prostrated himself on the ground in reverence before Lord Kabir. Sikandar was terrified. {If he had not committed this atrocity, he would not have prostrated himself and if he had not prostrated, then Lord would not have been able to show mercy to him. Because this is the rule.

"Ati aadheen deen ho praani, taatey kahiye ye akath kahaani |"

Oochche paatr jal na jaayi, taatey neecha hujae bhai |

Aadheeni ke paas hain Poorn Brahm Dayaal | maan badaai maariye be adbi sir kaal ||

Here, Supreme God Kabir killed two birds with one stone. The feeling of religious discrimination was remaining in Swami Ramanand ji, that too had to be removed. Ramanand ji still considered Muslims to be different and inferior to the Hindus. Sikandar had a sense of arrogance. If he had not been humble, Lord Kabir would not have shown mercy to him and Sikander would not have become healthy.} Seeing Bir Singh prostrating, Sikandar Lodhi also prostrated himself in fear. {Muslims say that our head only bows before Allah. The head of a Muslim will not bow in front of anyone else. Allah Akbar was standing in front. His head automatically bowed.} Supreme God Kabir placed his hands on the heads of both the kings and said, “How have two kings come to this pauper today? What brings you here to this poor man?” God Kabir had not even removed his hand and Sikandar's burning pain ended. Tears appeared in Sikander Lodhi's eyes. (In the presence of a saint, the mind becomes subdued and the soul gets elevated, because God is the companion of the soul. “Antaryami Ek Tu Aatm Ke Aadhaar.” God Kabir is the basis of the soul.) Sikandar Lodhi held on to Lord Kabir’s feet and did not let go and kept on crying. Despite being Omniscient, Lord Kabir asked Sikandar Lodhi, the Emperor of Delhi, “What is the matter?” Sikandar said, “O Embodiment of Allah! I have committed a heinous crime. You cannot forgive me. The work for which I had come, that incurable illness got cured merely by your blessings. Please forgive this sinner.” Lord Kabir said, “I have forgiven you. Tell me what happened?” Sikandar said, “I have committed such a sin that you cannot forgive me.” Lord Kabir said, “I have forgiven you.” Sikander again said, “Have you really forgiven me?” Lord Kabir said, “Yes, I have forgiven you. Now tell me what the problem is.” Sikander said, “O Benefactor! This sinner has murdered your Gurudev out of anger.” And then he narrated the whole saga. Lord Kabir said, “No problem. Whatever happened, has happened only by God's will. You must only leave after getting the last rites of Swami Ramanand ji performed; otherwise, you will become an object of condemnation.” God Kabir did not get angry. Sikandar Lodhi looked at Bir Singh's face and said, “O Bir Singh! He is really Allah. Look, I beheaded his Gurudev and Kabir ji did not even get angry.” Bir Singh remained silent and moved along, thinking in his heart “This is nothing. There is a lot more to see. This is just the beginning.”

Resurrecting Swami Ramanand Ji

Supreme God Kabir went inside and saw that Ramanand ji's torso and his head were lying separately. His body was covered with a sheet. Lord Kabir prostrated himself before the dead body of his Gurudev and touched his feet and said, “Gurudev, please get up. The Emperor of Delhi has come to see you. Please get up.” As soon as he said it the second time, the head rose on its own and got attached to the torso, and Ramanand ji came back to life. “Glory be to Satguru Dev!"

All Humans are Children of One God; He Who Believes in Two is Ignorant

Half blood and half milk had come out of Ramanand ji's body. When Swami Ramanand ji asked Lord Kabir the reason, “O Lord Kabir! How did half blood and half milk come out of my body?”, Lord Kabir said, “Swami ji, you still have a shortcoming in you that till now you consider Hindu and Muslim as two. That is why, half blood and half milk have come out. You have accepted people of other castes as your companions. But Hindus and Muslims are children of the same one God. All beings are one. You know everything. You are performing a divine act”, that is, explained everything through circumlocution.

Kabir - Alakh ilaahi ek hai, naam dharaaya doy |
kahae Kabir do naam suni, bharam paro mati koy ||1||
Kabir - Ram Raheema ek hai, naam dharaaya doy |
kahae Kabir do naam suni, bharam paro mati koy ||2||
Kabir - Krishna Kareema ek hai, naam dharaaya doy |
kahae Kabir do naam suni, bharam paro mati koy ||3||
Kabir - Kashi Kaaba ek hai, ekae Ram Raheem |
maida ek pakvaan bahu, baithi Kabira jeem ||4||
Kabir - ek vastu ke naam bahu, leejae vastu pahichaan |
naam paksh nahin keejiye, saar tatv le jaan ||5||
Kabir - sab kaahuka leejiye, saancha shabd nihaar |
pakshpaat naa keejiye, kahae Kabir vichaar ||6||
Kabir - Ram Kabira ek hai, dooja kabahoo naa hoy |
antar taati kapat kee, taatae deekhey doy ||7||
Kabir - Ram Kabir ek hai, kahan sunan ko doy |
do kari soyi jaanayi, Satguru milaa naa hoy ||8||

Ramanand ji embraced Sikandar, and after that he started giving love to Hindus and Muslims and people of all castes and religions as the children of God. He thanked his supposed disciple, in reality Supreme God, Kabir and said, “You have completely dispelled my ignorance. We are the children of one Father God; I firmly believe this now.” {Shekhtaqi, the religious leader of the Emperor of Delhi, Sikandar Lodhi, had also accompanied him to Banaras. He had stayed back in the rest house. Because Shekhtaqi was extremely jealous of Hindu saints and used to call them and their disciples infidels. Therefore, he had refused to go to Swami Ramanand ji's ashram. He had not gone with Emperor Sikandar Lodhi to Swami Ramanand ji's ashram.}

Shekhtaqi Pir did not recognise Allah: - The Emperor of India, Sikandar, on returning to his rest house, happily told his religious Pir Shekhtaqi about the wonderful miracles performed by Supreme God Kabir in terms of curing his illness with mere blessings and resurrecting Swami Ramanand Ji, and said, “Pir Ji! I am completely healthy. I have no pain in any part of my body. {It was evening. Lord Kabir had gone to his hut saying that he would come in the morning.}

When Shekhtaqi heard considerable praise for another Pir (saint) from the Emperor, he felt extremely jealous inside. He kept tossing and turning all night, conspiring to humiliate Supreme God Kabir.

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