How can Devotees Attain Salvation?

How can Devotees Attain Salvation?

Question: - Living beings also die in the acts of walking, eating, cooking, farming etc. So, how can devotees attain salvation? One also incurs sins from these activities. If sinners cannot go to heaven, how will they go? The soul is the same in cow, goat, chicken, human and other micro-organisms.

Answer: - The (Kaadir) Almighty Allah has made a law. He has stated that: -

Kabir, ichchha kar maarey nahin, bin ichchha mar jaay |
kah Kabir taas ka, paap nahin lagaay ||

It means that while walking on foot, while digging the land during farming or manual labour, or while cooking food etc., the purpose is not to kill the living beings. Due to which, one does not incur the sin of their death. This sin is indeed incurred by him who has not taken refuge in Kabir Allah, that is, who has not taken initiation from the prophet (saint) sent by Him. The one who takes initiation in the refuge of God Kabir does not incur the sins committed unintentionally. Others will incur them even if they have taken initiation from some saint. The devotee of God Kabir has complete knowledge. He cannot commit sin intentionally. He does not have to suffer the punishment for his unintentional sin.

Example: - Only a person who fully knows how to drive a vehicle gets a driving license. Then if he gets involved in a road traffic accident and someone dies in it, then he is not considered guilty of murder because he has a driving license. Similarly, one, who has taken initiation from this humble servant (Rampal Das), does not have to suffer the punishment of unintentional sin.

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