Musalman Nahin Samjhe Gyan Quran

Salutations to the Supreme God


Muslims Did Not Understand The Knowledge Of Quran. Allah is One, Earth is One; How come there are so many Religions? This book will prove to be a blessing of Allah, for our Muslim brothers and sisters.

Holy Quran
Gyan Quran

Musalman Nahin Samjhe Gyan Quran

Muslims Did Not Understand the Knowledge of Quran

Muslim brothers say that Allah is formless. Then they also say that God is sitting on a throne on the seventh sky. If he is sitting on a throne, he is corporeal like a human being. When Allah (God) comes to earth, humans are deceived by this illusion and hence do not recognise Him. Because of their ignorance, they do not accept His true, complete spiritual knowledge considering it to be false, nor do they accept Him as God. 

Similarly, Hindu brothers also say that God is formless. They worship Shri Ram ji and Shri Krishna ji and consider them to be God who were in form like human beings.

This doubt has been completely cleared in this holy book "Musalman Nahin Samjhe Gyan Quran" (Muslims Did Not Understand the Knowledge of Quran). Please read it wholeheartedly with patience, and you will be astonished.

The author (Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj) has written this book with proofs from the true, complete spiritual knowledge imparted by that Kaadar Khuda (Almighty God) when He Himself came to earth from the sky.

The aim is to convey the real spiritual knowledge to the human beings of the world. The surprising thing is that the knowledge which is written in the sacred books of every religion, the followers of that religion could not even understand it properly.

The author's aim is to give the right direction of worship to the human beings of the world; to set them on the path of truth. Having God and Satguru (True Guru) as a witness, and having their fear in mind, the author is performing the act of benevolence. It is hoped that the human of the world, who is educated at present, will understand their respective holy books and will help in making this philanthropic work successful. By doing os, they will get their and their family’s welfare done.

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
Last Prophet of Satpurush (Master of Satlok)

Knowledge from Holy Quran

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