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How was Quran revealed on Prophet Muhammad

The knowledge about Quran was revealed on Prophet Muhammad is mentioned in the Hadis. The method of revelation of Quran was very fearful and painful for Prophet Muhammad. The first encounter of Prophet Muhammad with Angel Gabriel was a very harrowing experience for Prophet Muhammad as he feared his death when Gabriel pressed him forcefully.

Prophet Muhammad feared death during his first meeting with Gabriel

As per Ibn Ishaq it is as under:-

The Messenger of Allah said: “While I was sleeping, Gabriel came to me with a piece of heavy brocade having a book and said to me: “Read!” I said: “I could not read.” He caught hold of me by it and pressed me so forcefully that I thought it was death. Then, he released me and said: “Read!” I said: “I could not read.” He caught hold of me by it and pressed me so forcefully that I thought it was death. Then, he released me and said: “Read!” I said: “I could not read.” He caught hold of me by it and pressed me so forcefully that I thought it was death. Then, he released me and said: “Read!” I said: “What should I read?” I said so simply to safeguard myself lest he would do the same with me. He said (what means): {Read! In the name of your Lord and Cherisher, Who created, Created man, out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood: Read! and your Lord is Most Bountiful, He Who taught (the use of) the Pen, Taught man that which he knew not.} [Al-Alaq 1-5]

He said: I read it and then he left me and turned away. I got up as if it had been written down in my heart. I walked until when I was in the middle of the mountain, I heard a voice from the heaven saying: “O Muhammad! You are the Messenger of Allah, and I am Gabriel.” I raised my head toward the sky to see, and behold! I saw Gabriel in the form of a man aligning his feet in the horizon of the sky, and saying: “O Muhammad! You are the Messenger of Allah, and I am Gabriel.”

I stood to see him and could not move forward or backward. I did my best to turn my face from him in the different horizons of the sky, but I saw him in every direction I looked at.”

He added: “I kept motionless, and did not move forward or backward until Khadijah sent her couriers in search for me. They reached the heights of Makkah and returned to her, while I was still standing in my place. Then, he (Gabriel) left me.”

Who is Gabriel

Gabriel is a messenger of Kaal Brahm. In the Muslim and the Christian world, Kaal Brahm is known as Devil or Satan or Shaitaan. Kaal or Devil has many messengers and one of them is Gabriel. It was via Gabriel that Kaal (Devil) delivered all the knowledge of Quran to Prophet Muhammad.

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