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Mecca is a Temple of Lord Shiva

There is evidence in Sikhism's book ‘Bhai Wale Wali Janam Sakhi’: -

Sakhi Madine Ki Chali

In "Sakhi Madine Ki Chali” in Hindi, on Page 262, Shri Nanak ji, while answering the question of the four Imams, has said: -

Aakhe Nanak Shah sachh, sun ho chaar imam |
Macca hai Mahadev ka, Brahman San Sultan ||

Meaning:- Satguru Nanak Dev Ji while discussing with the four Imams said that Kaaba (temple) in the city of Mecca, which you consider your holy place, is the temple of Mahadev (Shiv ji). There were idols of all the gods and goddesses in it. The sultan (king) who founded it was a Brahmin. Later, all the idols were lifted. It was rebuilt by Prophet Ibrahim and Hazrat Ismail (Alaihi.).

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